Monday, 17 March 2008

Pipex communications falls by the Wayside

So it's goodbye soon to one of my worst ever investments, Pipex Communications. I'm not usually dragged into hot stocks, but working in Telecoms, I am convinced that Wimax has a big future and when I heard Pipex owned one of the UK Wimax spectrum licences I got a bit overexcited. Not only that, but every seemed rosy since they also had a more respectable hosting side, a blocking vote on the UK Nominet domain name register and a huge business selling domain names, even if you didn't use their hosting.

Sad to say, fast forward two years and the shares are 33% below my purchase price of 9p. The broadband arm has been sold off, and the chairman, Peter Dubens is selling the hosting arm to....ermmm himself, now he's teamed up with Oakley Capital. Interesting! Wonder how much that business will be resold for in a few years time?

Anyhow, us small shareholders have the poor promise of 10-11p for 58% of our shares in a tender offer, with the balance carried forward to loss making Freedom Communications, who remain holding the licence.

My tip is that you remain a holder. People with their shareholdings in nominee accounts may do a lot better than 58% on the tender offer. Reason being that if other shareholders with the same broker do not take up their share, then your share will be pro-rated up.

This approach has allowed me to exit 100% of a company (especially investment trusts), when the tender was for less. I'm not going so far as to say you will get to tender 100%, but you may fancy a small punt to average up.

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